It's About
Time. . .
. . .for a
. . .for an Independent Commissioner!
. . .for a More Affordable Jefferson County!
The following press release encapsulates
just who Sandy Hershelman is. There's more to come, but for the moment:
Sandy's resume.
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Hershelman announces run for commissioner
PRESS RELEASE: Feb. 23, 2008
"It's about time for a more affordable Jefferson County," said
Sandy Hershelman, announcing her run for the Jefferson County Commissioner,
District 2 seat. "This county is in desperate need of family wage
jobs and affordable housing."
Hershelman plans to unseat David Sullivan, who has already announced
he will seek a second term. District 2 represents the Tri-Area, Kala
Point, Cape George and the surrounding areas.
"It's about time we had an independent commissioner," she
said. "During the last few years, the more I penetrated into the
bureaucratic maze, the more I realized just how polarized this county
is—Republican and Democrat, environmentalist and property rights,
growth and no growth—and each side has its extremists.
"Logic and balance usually lay somewhere in the middle. I truly believe
that's where most county residents stand. They are that silent majority.
Someone has to be the voice for the majority of the people in this county—and
that someone is me. I understand that fine balance between responsible
governance and navigating through onerous laws forced upon local governments.
Shoving over-regulation down the throats of our neighbors is not the answer.
Balance is the key," she added. "No business growth and we die.
Too much growth and we smother. Attracting/ growing businesses and protecting
the environment are not mutually exclusive—we can have both."
"As an independent, I'm bucking the system and will need a strong,
active grassroots support," Hershelman said.
Lizanne Coker will manage Hershelman's campaign, with Jana Daubenberger-Filli
as treasurer. Daughter Heidi Anderson will be a key team member, as well.
Knows the needs
"I've spent 25 years in highly visible jobs in Jefferson County.
I've had the opportunity to really get to know our community. I've
heard our neighbors' life stories, watched their finances roller
coaster, their businesses falter and then rally again. I know the people
and their needs," Hershelman said. "Having a sewer and UGA
is key to building businesses and affordable housing in the Tri-Area."
She has lived in the same house in Port Hadlock since 1981. Her two children
are 21 and 26. "I'm not sure that they'll be able to come back here
once they have families. I remember well, how tough it was to raise toddlers,
as a stay-at-home mom with an underemployed spouse and no health insurance.
I don't want that for my kids—or their friends, or your kids
or grandkids," Hershelman said. "It's my empathy for
struggling hard-working families and seniors on fixed incomes that tipped
the scale in my decision to run for commissioner."
Building bridges
Hershelman has morphed from a freelance writer into an award-winning
journalist, photographer, desktop publisher, and Web designer. Through
the 1990s, she wrote for the Port
Townsend & Jefferson County
Leader and other regional newspapers. Her byline
also appeared in national magazines. Since the mid-'90s, she has created
most of the Chimacum
School District's levy and bond fliers, as well as all of its
district newsletters.
"As a journalist, you have to look past all of the fluff and posturing
to find the truth. And of course, follow the money," Hershelman
said. "I'm a bridge builder, a mediator. I tie together the
common threads of different groups: traditional and green builders, liberals
and conservatives, businesses and clients."
With a strong aptitude for business and 20 years of hands-on experience
operating small businesses, Hershelman is hired by business owners to
ensure their success, via marketing, advertising, message development
and creation of collaterals.
Last month, the owner of Sandy Hershelman Designs was nominated for the
Port Townsend Chamber of Commerce's Business Leader of the Year.
As executive officer of the Jefferson County Home Builders Association
since 2002, Hershelman promotes the building trades' efforts to
thrive in this county. She keeps her finger on the pulse of the community,
sitting on numerous water, land use, economic development and affordable
housing committees.
She has proven to be a highly capable executive officer with strong leadership
skills. She breathed new vitality into the nonprofit: membership increased
by 60 percent, Built Green® of Jefferson County was launched,
and the JeffCo HomeShowTM debuts May
Hershelman was the 2007 chair of the Washington Executive Officers Council.
She presented "Effective HBA Websites" at the 2006 National
Association of Home Builders' EOC Seminar in Connecticut.
She serves on the Olympic Economic Development board of directors and
is a member of Soroptimist International of Port Townsend & East
Jefferson Co., Port Townsend Chamber of Commerce, Washington Coalition
For Open Government, Jefferson County Home Builders Association and Port
Townsend BPOE #317. She has agreed to be a family partner through Habitat
for Humanity of East Jefferson County and is a Paul Harris Fellow through
Rotary Club of East Jefferson County.
Share the news! Download
a print quality .pdf of the above.
Contact Sandy at 360.385.1087
or hershelman@cablespeed.com

Elect Sandy Hershelman
Lizanne Coker, Campaign Manager
Jana Daubenberger-Filli, Treasurer
P.O. Box 521
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
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